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Flat Lingual RETAINER SS Braid Wire Size .010" x .028"- 10 Pcs
Blue Cap - Titanium braid wire - W-9558-315
NICKEL FREE Braid construction enhance strength to avoid snapping and increase surface area.
Unique strand construction allows a slight degree of physiological movement yet retaining the post treatment smile arch.
Flat Lingual RETAINER SS Braid Wire Size .010" x .028"- 10 Pcs
White Cap - Stainless steel braid wire - W-9552-850
Compares to Bond-a-braid from Reliance and Braided Retainer wire from OT.
Permanent retention is greatly enhanced using a flattened, dead soft 8-braided wire.
Intra-arch splinting with this thin ribbon arch prevents torque control problems that can occur using a round braided wire for these procedures.
When bonded on the lingual of the upper incisors, a very thin rectangular wire can be adapted with little lower incisor interference.
The dead soft wire is easy to adapt and prevents inadvertent tooth movement associated with active force wires.
It’s excellent for semi-permanent orthodontic splinting of the upper or lower incisors. It can be used to hold diastemas closed, maintain difficult extraction sites and solving various other tooth-splinting dilemmas.
Excellent for splinting periodontally comprised teeth.
Flat Lingual RETAINER SS Braid Wire Size .010" x .028"- 10 Pcs
Red Cap - Titanium Single strand - W-9558-310
Single strand NICKEL FREE titanium flat metal ribbon with increased interproximal strength is ideal for semi permanent splinting and maintaining difficult extraction sites.
Titanium wire offers reduced wear rates and is nickel-free, eliminating potential patient allergy issues. The “dead-soft” wire can be easily formed, and its flat dimensions are ideal for retaining final torque positions.
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