Ships by Leone America Dental Products, Inc. within 14 to 21 business days
Flat Arch Labial Bow Wire (1/pk)
The Apex Revolution Spring is a revolutionary new appliance that is unique compared to any spring retainer before it.
This retainer employs Beta Titanium memory wires for both the lingual spring and the labial bow.
The wires are flattened to provide more tooth contact than a round wire.
The unique properties of the Beta Titanium flat wire allow for a greater range of movement than traditional stainless-steel wire. In addition, the Beta Titanium flat wire gives approximately 60% more contact on the facial and lingual of the tooth surface delivering much greater rotational control.
The Apex Revolution Spring is more comfortable and has very little interference with speech.
Adjustable lingual and labial bows
• Predictable results
• More comfortable leading to greater patient compliance than alternatives (no plastic on lingual and facial of anterior teeth)
• Very little speech issues
• Double duty: it is an insurance policy as correction of minor movement is accomplished with the same device
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