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DEFENDĀ® Trimming & Finishing Tapered Round End Carbide Burs (5 ct) - TF 7642
Twelve bladed finishing burs (7000 series) provide a smooth finish on composite, amalgam, enamel, dentin, ortho debonding, and other dental materials. Best for controlled contouring and finishing.
Thirty bladed finishing burs (9000 series) will eliminate most surface striations and, because the thirty blades remove less material per revolution, are recommended for use before abrasive polishing. Designed to reduce the āshiny dullā phenomenon and save additional polishing time. Best for final surface refinement, satin polishing, and use on ceramics because they produce a less aggressive cut.
TF: Trimming & Finishing
FF: Fine Finishing
All items are available in packs of 5.
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