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Ships by Frontier Dental Supply within 1 to 5 business days
The advanced formulation of CompCore AF provides controlled light-curing and self-curing in 4.5 minutes, resulting in an enhanced natural tooth appearance without shadows beneath ceramic crowns for excellent contrast and radiopacity.
The consistency of the product mix sets it in place even in hard maxillary core build-ups but allows for easy flow when pressure is applied. It prevents the formation of gaps and grooves for durable curing.
CompCore employs the exclusive Hyperbranched Technology along with its outstanding nanofiller properties for lasting effect. Available in SyringeMix STACK that is dual-cured and auto-mixed, and Twist STACK that is auto-cured and syringe hand mixed.
Each SyringeMix STACK Kit contains 2 (9 g) automix syringes, 15 mix tips, 15 standard tips, and 10 extra-fine intraoral tips.
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